BenchMark Crunch Bench | Performance Line
The Benchmark Performance Line is the ultimate choice for commercial gyms committed to offering performance-focused strength training equipment. The family of free-weight and selectorized pieces perfectly balances sleek design with affordability, durability and functionality.
The Benchmark Performance Line Crunch Bench is specifically design to facilitate abdominal exercises, particularly crunches and sit-ups. This simple commercial grade bench offers a comfortable yet durable padded surface for the user to sit or lie on and leg supports or rollers to anchor the feet.
With solid steel tubing, comfortable padded seat, as well as a sleek black finish, this bench set's the standard at an unbeatable price point for any commercial gym setting.
Size: (L)2010x(W)725x(H)1035mm
Net Weight: 55kgs
On orders over R5000, South Africa only. Excludes Concept2 products. T's & C's apply.